DAY 1: 7th June
- Checking-in and onsite registration of participants
- STATA Software installation
- Introduction of participants
- Course Introduction/Course pre-test
- Introduction to basic Statistical Concepts
- Introduction to the STATA software interphase:
- The command, variable, history and properties window
- STATA modes: Do-files, Log-files and .dta files
- Use of Stata “point and click” technique (including demo) to conduct Descriptive studies.
- Mean, median and interquartile range
- Confidence Intervals. Summary Tables and single mean, proportion
- Introduction to graph plotting in STATA
- Box & whisker plots
- Histogram
- Scatterplots
- Bar graphs
- Introduction to the use of Stata software programming commands. Data management and cleaning, (Data manipulation) Use of do-file, logfile, coding and recoding, generate, display, transformation
- Data entry in STATA
Day 2: 8th June
Introduction to Bivariate analysis, Parametric & Non-parametric tests
- Categorical data comparisons
- Chi-square analysis
- Fischer’s Exact test
- Continuous variable comparisons
- Pearson Correlation analysis
- Correlation co-efficient (strength and direction of the relationship)
- Scatter plot with a line of best fit
- Tests of Mean Comparisons
- Introduction to T-test
- Independent Sample T-test/Student t-test
- Dependent Sample T-test
- Introduction to T-test
Use of STATA commands to conduct:
- One-way ANOVA
- Post hoc analysis (Tests of multiple comparisons)
- Types of Post-Hoc Analysis
- Introduction to Non-parametric statistical tests
- Mann Whitney test
- Kruskall wallis test
- Spearman rank correlation
- Wilcoxon sign-rank test
DAY 3: 9th June
- Normality tests using STATA
- Reliability Tests (Cronbach Alpha Test Statistics)
– Introduction to Prediction Analysis
- Linear Regression Modelling
- Logistic Regression
- Multiple linear regression,
- Polynomial regression
- ROC curve analysis & Diagnostic accuracy studies
– Intepretation and presentation of results
– Course Evaluation/Post test
– Award of Certificates
Chisom Godswill
MPH (Epid & Biostat), Cert M & E (Washington)
Research Data Scientist/Biostatistician and Lead Data Manager,
TabCAT and SIFCOVAN Study Projects
Lecture Hall 2, Fragani, College of Health Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus